What is Inbound Marketing and how to use it?


Attract the right person and convert them into a customer. Inbound Marketing can be translated into Portuguese as Attraction Marketing, and the reason is the main goal of this technique. A recently invented strategy that serves as a magnet to magnetize the right audience, increasing the chances of conversion and sales.

Check out this article and find out what Inbound Marketing is and how this technique contributes to the success of your Digital Marketing strategies. Understand how the stages work and also see tips for applying inbound marketing in your company. If you have also heard of Outbound Marketing, understand further what the main differences between the two modalities are. Happy reading!

Discover what inbound marketing is

In the early 2000s, Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah realized a great power that was emerging with the development of Customer Relationship Management –  CRM platforms. The duo observed that the shopping journey was changing dramatically and that many companies were failing because they didn’t know how to approach the audience. Thus, Attraction Marketing, or Inbound Marketing, was born.

Inbound Marketing is the set of marketing strategies that serves to give visibility to the brand, attracting the target audience through relevant content. The name Attraction Marketing is used precisely because, instead of the old marketing actions, through which companies went to the customer usually in an invasive way, the user with the right profile is attracted to the company.

With this, the process of optimizing the sales funnel begins. The concept is precisely a separation of the customer journey by stages, in this case aligning with the levels of Inbound Marketing.

Check out the stages of Inbound Marketing

We can see that Inbound Marketing was developed to optimize the consumer experience. Since this is a tapering process, in Attraction Marketing we talk about percentage.

In other words: many users view a call on social media, but only a portion of these users click on this call and are directed to a landing page with a form. Only a portion of those who arrive on the form fill it out. This cycle continues until the purchase is closed.


The starting point and the one that differentiates Inbound Marketing from previous strategies is this. For the sales funnel machine to work, you need to have leads, or potential buyers. However, instead of buying contact lists (which is illegal and goes against the Brazilian General Data Privacy Law –  LGPD), sending direct mail, or even resorting to the old strategy of knocking from door to door, Inbound Marketing has a different logic and consists in attracting the audience with the company’s profile.

How to do this? Producing content that is relevant to the customers’ needs, which leads them to make the purchase.


The next step is to turn this user who is interested in your products into a lead. To this end, valuable materials such as e-books, infographics, and white papers are offered. The person can only download the material by entering data such as name, e-mail or WhatsApp contact. Okay, from here you have a list with leads that have shown interest in your business.


Now all you have to do is nurture your audience with more relevant information. There is a logic in which the contents are more comprehensive and become more and more aligned with your product. In this way, there comes a time when it is possible to make the ideal offer to the ideal customer.


Here, the familiar sales strategies come in, presenting an irresistible offer and closing the deal. Moreover, in case the lead does not make the purchase, he is sent to a previous stage, strengthening the relationship and nurturing him with relevant information to attempt a sale some time later.


Once the purchase has been made, Inbound Marketing is still concerned with the last step, ensuring customer success. At this point the goal is to understand if the product served and ensure the level of satisfaction. From there it is possible to work with repurchases, testimonials, and referrals.

Discover the difference between Inbound Marketing and Outbound Marketing

Despite having emerged after Inbound Marketing, we can say that Outbound Marketing is a re-reading of conservative marketing strategies, that is, it is a little more aggressive and invasive than attraction marketing.

This is also a digital technique, but one that relies on ads and has techniques such as those of ads that “follow” the users after they have visited the company’s website. In addition, outbound marketing also encompasses several traditional marketing actions such as billboard and TV ads, which are more expensive investments and do not reach the public in a specific way.

See how attraction marketing helps your business

Now that we have talked about what Inbound Marketing is, and also what it is not, it is time to present the benefits that this strategy offers to your business. Check out the main reasons to use this strategy.

  • helps in the positioning and increases the visibility of the brand;
  • highlights your company to the audience with the greatest buying potential;
  • does not use invasive practices, avoiding a negative image;
  • delivers relevant content to the public, adding value to its solutions;
  • has KPIs (key performance indicators) that are easy to monitor, improving the tracking of metrics;
  • optimizes the sales cycle, making it shorter, more efficient, and easier to follow, to promote continuous process improvement.

Know the marketing strategies to apply inbound marketing

Inbound marketing is an opportunity to boost your company’s results, as well as improve brand positioning. Check out the main steps to implement this strategy!

Define who the persona is

A persona is a semi-fictitious character based on data from your business. The idea is to gather information about your target audience such as age range, geographical location, and social class, associated with emotional values, which contributes to the communication and content guidelines.

Establish the marketing objectives

Next, it is important to understand what the main goal you want to achieve is. It may be increasing:

  • the visibility of the brand;
  • the traffic to your website;
  • the number of leads;
  • the sales;
  • customer satisfaction.

Remember that it is essential that your objectives are expressed in S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, assignable, realistic, and time bound) goals.

Create calendar for content production

To facilitate the process of producing and publishing content, it is important to develop an editorial calendar. In it you define what types, formats, and sizes of content you will develop, and how you will disseminate it. It is common to use social networks and newsletter to show the public the news.

Ensure digital presence in social media

Depending on your market segment and the main media your persona uses, you need to establish which media your company will use. Remembering that business profiles, such as WhatsApp Business are always the recommended ones.

Integrate marketing and sales with a CRM tool

Another very important point is the integration between marketing and sales for the success of inbound marketing. Because marketing becomes responsible for attracting and educating prospects it becomes clearer when the lead is qualified for the purchase, directing it to sales. With powerful CRM tools like tuvis for Salesforce, this process is streamlined and can happen in real time.

Did you like to know more about the inbound marketing strategy? As you have seen in this article, attraction marketing is very important nowadays, because the persona already knows about the product and is looking for other qualities to make up their mind, such as alignment of principles and values or even a relationship with the brand. It is worth noting that the integration between marketing and sales is very important, and CRM is the ideal platform to assist in the process.

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