How UIDE increased its Student Registrations by Shortening the response times on WhatsApp with the our app


With Karla Mena, National Admissions Sub Supervisor

What distinguishes the UIDE (Universidad Internacional del Ecuador) from other universities, is the personalization and academic quality it offers to its students or future applicants, bringing an environment that allows them to develop as professionals but also as individuals.

The challenge

The student registration process changed a lot in the past years. Before, the UIDE`s admissions team used to call and send e-mails to new applicants, but since they implemented WhatsApp as a communication tool, the UIDE has notably increased the number of new students as they started to give a much more personalized service to the pre-university students. But the UIDE´s admissions team had a new challenge, they noticed a blind spot, all those WhatsApp interactions weren’t synced to Salesforce, their CRM, so they started to look for a tool that easily integrates with Salesforce.

Tuvis impacted the university in a positive way since it allowed us to shorten the response times, maintain control, and above all: keep the entire student history.

Fernando Yánez
National Admissions Supervisor

The solution

The UIDE found out about tuvis browsing the web. Tuvis impacted the university in a positive way since it allowed the admissions team to shorten the response times, maintain control, and above all: Keep the entire student history in one place.

The UIDE Couldn’t Have Asked For Better Outcomes

The relationship with pre-university students using tuvis changed significantly since they started to have a direct approach in real-time with them. They found a very easy tool to record their activities, and above all, tuvis allows them to enter information in the CRM in three clicks. At UIDE, they innovate and improve personalized, high-quality education. Not only in Ecuador, but at a Latin American level.

The relationship of the UIDE and tuvis in the future, innovating with products, innovating with services, innovating with integrations, with the goal of boosting their revenue.

The relationship with pre-university students using tuvis has changed significantly since we have a direct approach in real-time with them.

Karla Mena
National Admissions Sub Supervisor

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